TX GOP Embarrassingly Blunders Entire First Day of Virtual Convention

Half the state is laughing, the other half is cringing.

Do y’all remember just 3 days ago when we posted “For Fractures in the Texas GOP, Look no Further than the Executive Committee?” If you missed it, it was about the Executive Committee’s emergency meeting about the convention, (before they knew it would be a virtual convention). Let me give you a few quick highlights:

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  • Through the entire video, the committee members repeatedly were raising their hands by mistake.
  • They had multiple arguments over whether or not they should all be muted while one is talking, or if they ALL should be unmuted, even when one person had the floor.
  • One hour and two hours in, James Dickey, GOP Executive Committee chair, was still explaining again and again how to use Zoom.
  • One committee member said: “As we can see here, the chairman has extraordinary powers, he can choose to mute, he can go so fast that we can’t see what’s going on. It’s new technology, none of us are used to it, so we can’t react very quickly.”
  • Another committee member said while talking about how Democrats had a virtual convention, “We are not primitive compared to them.”

It was highly entertaining.

The day finally comes.

I still can’t stop laughing.


Texas Democrats just endorsed James Dickey for reelection for the Republican Party Chair. Seriously. You HAVE to read this!

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Oh, yeah, it gets better. Check out this tweet from Scott Braddock, editor of the Quorum Report:

It would appear as if they couldn’t figure out how to use the amazing futuristic technology of virtual meetings. You know, the technology that nearly all of us have been using during the pandemic and a large amount of us have been using in the corporate world for years. That technology.

It didn’t just take them a few minutes to figure out. It took 4 hours before they finally called it a day. So, the first day of their virtual convention never happened.

And they live streamed 4 hours of political ads, long stretches of intermission pictures and a short speech by Steve Munisteri.

Here is the actual video of what should have been their virtual convention.

I skipped through the intermission pictures and the second playing of political ads, (they ran out of stuff to play). But I found the best parts, I’ll tell you where they are, so you can laugh, too.

Below is a summary.

12 minutes in, it starts with a pictures and audio of Trump and then cuts directly to Greg Abbott.

Abbott starts off “The bible tells us don’t be anxious.”

He said, “I know many of you don’t like the mask requirement, me too. Many regions are running out of ICU beds. If we don’t get this thing under control, our hospitals will be overrun. And I fear that it will inflict they very people who are watching this now.”

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He goes on, “I know many of you say my orders are unconstitutional, but…” then something about remembering when he fought to keep the 10 Commandments on the Capital Grounds a billion years ago. I can’t be too sure, but he may have winked right there.

Then he blurted out, “We agree on beating Joe Biden and reelecting Donald Trump.” FFS, aren’t there any Never Trumpers or Republicans for Biden in Texas. Ugh. They are everywhere else.

Abbott is so stupid.

He said, “Biden is hiding in his basement,” of course, he didn’t mention Trump’s bunker. He went on, “Democrats want to cancel hate Conservative speech. They want to grab your guns and tax your churches. Blah, blah, blah, more right-wing bullshit talking points.”

At this point I’m not sure he believes the things that are coming out of his own mouth or he’s just saying what he thinks he’s supposed to say.

Then a RWNJ commercial.

Socialist Democrats, freedom under assault, the virus is invisible, anarchists are destroying us with violence, leftist news media….” Then they led into an introduction to Sid Miller.

Yep, the first Republican after Greg Abbott was loony, racist, Sid Miller. He starts at about 18 minutes in.

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Remember, like a month ago, when the Texas Tribune ousted a dozen GOP members who were being racist on social media? Remember Sid Miller was one of them?

Republicans, like Greg Abbott and Dan Crenshaw, only spoke out against Cynthia Brhem and Keith Neilson, saying they didn’t want racists in the Republican party. But, they never said anything else about it, talked about an action plan, or mentioned the other 10ish GOPers who were also posting racist crap on social media.

Now, right after the Governor, the first Republican they show is Sid Miller??!!?

This speaks volumes about who the Republican part of Texas is.

Miller’s monologue was mostly boring. He did say that an invisible virus was destroying our freedom and anarchists are destroying our monuments.

20 minutes in, we’ve already got “an invisible virus,” twice. You know, opposed to a VISIBLE virus. 😂

21 minutes in is an anti-AOC ad.

The ad said Liberal-extremists are spreading false information disguised as science to harm the oil and gas industry. And queue Railroad Commissioner ad, Wayne Christian.

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According to his ad, he’s just like Donald Trump. And as Trump has been fighting the EPA, Wayne Christian has been on the front lines fighting for energy, here in Texas.

What? Who is he fighting? Texas is already #1 in oil and gas. Is there anyone even left to fight?

Wayne Christian’s ad contained more talking points and pictures of Trump than of Wayne Christian. 😂

These ads are as hilarious as the Super Bowl commercials.

23 minutes in, Wayne Christian, “Before COVID, Texas had oil dominance.” Soon following, “Biden is going to send us down the road of communism and fascism. If we lose the Texas house, we won’t be in charge of redistricting.”

Yeah, Wayne, that’s the point.

Then there were a bunch of really boring commercials for Ryan Sitton, Gun Owners of America, Jim Wright, TXU, and the Texans Asian Republican Assembly, then Intermission. 🙄😴

48 minutes in, they start the SAME political ads all over again all over.

I guess they only had so many to play and didn’t know what else to do. 😂 They played every single one of them over again, in the same order. 😂 Then, Intermission, again.

2 hours and 10 minutes in, James Dickey finally shows up.

He said, “Thanks for your patience, delegates. This is not the convention that we had in mind and had been working on and planning on for the last 3 years and that one Democrat mayor worked to unravel.”

Does it ever bother anyone else that Republicans can never take responsibility for their own failures? They are supposed to be in leadership roles. Leaders are supposed to to lead, not point fingers.

The coronavirus messed up the convention, sorry, but how do they expect to make decisions on a platform and on who they will support when they are demonstrating that they lack any type of adaptability. They can’t even figure out how to make a virtual convention happen. Doesn’t anyone know a kid or a teenager? They probably could have got things up and running quickly.

In case y’all Republicans haven’t noticed. The world is changing. If you don’t change with it, you’re going to be left behind.

This is what a dying political party looks like.

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2 hours and 12 minutes in Dickey introduces former GOP Chair, Steve Munisteri.

Munisteri starts his speech talking about how great his life has been lately, working for the Trump administration. He then said, “I know it doesn’t surprise some of you, but our media doesn’t always portray Trump in the correct fashion.” Then he talks about how the media says Trump’s economy was riding on Obama’s coattails, (that’s true), but the media is wrong because it’s all Trump. 🙄

He blabbers on about how great the economy was before the coronavirus, (you know, when we were still on the Obama-wave). They all keep saying, before he coronavirus. Are we supposed to pretend that right now isn’t relevant?

He said that the media is telling us that Trump is sinking in the polls and Texas will turn blue 🌊🌊🌊, but here is what the media isn’t telling you. “These are polls that are only done with registered voters.” Haha! What?

He said they’ve registered an army of Republican voters and the Democratic party doesn’t even realize it. 🙄

Munisteri said they’ve registered 125,000 new Republican voters. Dems were registering how many this year? A million? He said Beto said it’s only 50,000, but that’s bullshit.

Cool story, bro.

2 hours and 26 minutes in, another intermission.. which lasts all the way to the 4 hour mark and the end of the video.

So, the Texas GOP’s virtual convention completely blew the first day. It didn’t even happen.

This is what a slow motion train wreck looks like.

The next 2 days aught to be really good. Stay tuned.

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