Governor Greg Abbott was Fooled by a Publicity Stunt

So was Patrick, Paxton, and Cruz.  

It’s taken me nearly 10 minutes to quit laughing. While I wrote about the entire Shelly Luther incident being an obvious publicity stunt earlier this week, the Texas Monthly just published a story proving it was all just a stunt. Greg Abbott fell for it all.

It seems that Shelly Luther’s GoFundMe page was started one day before she even opened her salon back up. The entire incident was all planned, plotted, and executed effectively. 

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Greg Abbott and the entire GOP are clowns.

The Texas GOP fell for it in a very public fashion. 

Abbott’s knee-jerk reaction was to immediately change his executive order to open salons in a few days. Then he wrote another executive order stating that businesses or individuals who worked or opened up during would face no consequences for doing so. 

Greg Abbott is a clown.

By writing a new executive order saying there are no consequences for violating the first lock down executive order, the first executive order then became an executive suggestion. 

Ken Paxton had demanded her immediate release, even though his involvement violated the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct. 

Ted Cruz hopped his Lilly-white ass on a plane to Dallas to get a haircut from Luther.

They all fell for it hook, line, and sinker. 

What does this say about our GOP leadership? 

Well, it says they’re stupid. It was obvious to everyone this was a PR Stunt. My prediction was that Luther was priming up a political run. Perhaps it was all done for money.

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Shelly Luther, who was already well-to-do and owned a salon in a zip code that has an average income of $125,000, crafted a publicity stunt which would make her an RWNJ martyr and pad her pockets with half a million dollars. She did this at a time when a global pandemic was ravishing the citizens of Texas. And she did it in a very public fashion. She had demonstrators with guns and Trump flags, as well as a camera crew with her every day.

Greg Abbott fell for Shelly Luther's publicity stunt.

Luther went on Glenn Beck, was interviewed by pro-gun activist, Michael Cargill, and countless conservative blogs picked up her story. 

How did our Governor, our Attorney General, and Senator react? They slobbered all over the situation. A pretty blonde conservative was in trouble and each one of them tried to be her savior. 

In the meanwhile, two Latina stylists in Laredo were both jailed for working out of their homes. Charges against them have since been dropped, thanks to Abbott’s new executive order. But no one raised obscene amounts of money for them, there were no celebrity appearances, and neither of our State Senators flew down to Laredo for a trim. 

Greg Abbott is easily influenced. 

Of course, that’s easily said about anyone who kisses Trump’s ass as much as Abbott does. However, nearly everyone knew it was a stunt. The motivation may have been unknown, but Luther on the admitted she received no money from being open and that she already got a government loan, which she gave some bullshit excuse about.  

More than anything, it speaks volumes about today’s Republican Party, the party of Trump. Trump believes stupid things without proof, so does Abbott. All of them do.

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